Results for 'Roberta K. Soromenho Nicolete'

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  1.  22
    Da doutrina do interesse bem compreendido n'A Democracia na América.Roberta K. Soromenho Nicolete - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42):449-474.
    Frágil é, segundo Alexis de Tocqueville, o equilíbrio em que se encontra a liberdade em um estado social de igualdade de condições. Tomados pela sua maior paixão, a da igualdade, os homens democráticos podem assistir a conversão da liberdade em despotismo ao se entregarem à busca exclusiva de seus interesses e bens privados, ao abdicarem da faculdade de julgar, deixandose guiar servilmente pela opinião da maioria, a fonte da autoridade em tal estado social. Em face disso, este artigo sustenta que, (...)
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    Tradução de "Menos dominação, mais liberdade? Resposta a Philip Pettit", de Jean-Fabien Spitz.Bruno Santos Alexandre & Roberta Soromenho Nicolete - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):234-239.
    Segundo uma célebre tese defendida por Philip Pettit, um agente é livre conquanto cada uma de suas ações seja não somente acessível, mas também não-dominada, no sentido de que ninguém tenha o poder de bloquear o acesso a tais ações. Através de contraexemplos, esse artigo procura demonstrar que a vontade de eliminar a dominação pode diminuir antes que reforçar a liberdade individual.
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    Eliciting Big Data From Small, Young, or Non-standard Languages: 10 Experimental Challenges.Evelina Leivada, Roberta D’Alessandro & Kleanthes K. Grohmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:429300.
    The aim of this work is to identify and analyze a set of challenges that are likely to be encountered when one embarks on fieldwork in linguistic communities that feature small, young, and/or non-standard languages with a goal to elicit big sets of rich data. For each challenge, we (i) explain its nature and implications, (ii) offer one or more examples of how it is manifested in actual linguistic communities, and (iii) where possible, offer recommendations for addressing it effectively. Our (...)
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    Advancing independent adolescent consent for participation in HIV prevention research.Seema K. Shah, Susannah M. Allison, Bill G. Kapogiannis, Roberta Black, Liza Dawson & Emily Erbelding - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):431-433.
    In many regions around the world, those at highest risk for acquiring HIV are young adults and adolescents. Young men who have sex with men in the USA are the group at greatest risk for HIV acquisition, particularly if they are part of a racial or ethnic minority group.1 Adolescent girls and young women have the highest incidence rates of any demographic subgroup in sub-Saharan Africa.2 To reverse the global AIDS pandemic’s toll on these high-risk groups, it is important to (...)
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    I fraintendimenti della ragione: saggio su P.K. Feyerabend.Roberta Corvi - 1992 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Un liberalismo in bilico. John K. Galbraith tra tecnostruttura e countervailing power.Roberta Ferrari - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):177-200.
    Gli anni Sessanta e Settanta costituiscono un tornante fondamentale della democrazia statunitense segnato dall’apogeo del _liberalism_ e dalla sua crisi. In questo contesto uno dei più noti economisti americani, John Kenneth Galbraith, osserva come la tecnologia, il suo avanzamento costante, trasforma il rapporto tra Stato e mercato e ridefinisce il ruolo delle istituzioni nella società. La sua critica alla tecnostruttura della _corporation_, come forma di una pianificazione totalitaria che si oppone al mercato e lo domina, è diretta a svelare il (...)
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    Long Term Health Care: Providing a Spectrum of Services to the Aged.Laurence B. McCullough, Rosalie A. Kane, Robert L. Kane, Philip W. Brickner, Anthony J. Lechich, Roberta Lipsman & Linda K. Scharer - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (5):45.
    Book reviewed in this article: Long Term Care: Principles, Programs and Policies. By Rosalie A. Kane and Robert L. Kane. Long Term Health Care: providing a Spectrum of Services to the Aged. By Philip W. Brickner, Anthony J. Lechich, Roberta Lipsman, and Linda K. scharer.
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    Expectancy bias mediates the link between social anxiety and memory bias for social evaluation.Justin D. Caouette, Sarah K. Ruiz, Clinton C. Lee, Zainab Anbari, Roberta A. Schriber & Amanda E. Guyer - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):945-953.
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    M ARK H ARRISON, Disease and the Modern World: 1500 to the Present Day. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004. Pp. vi+270. ISBN 0-7456-2810-9. £17.99, $26.95 . K ENNETH F. K IPLE , The Cambridge Historical Dictionary of Disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xiii+412. ISBN 0-521-53026-1. £19.95, $27.00. [REVIEW]Roberta Bivins - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (2):282-283.
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    Review of Roberta M. Berry, The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. [REVIEW]Erica K. Rangel - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (11):34-35.
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    The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Phenomenology of Emotions, Systematical and Historical Perspectives.Rodney K. B. Parker & Ignacio Quepons - 2018 - Routledge.
    Volume XVI Phenomenology of Emotions, Systematical and Historical Perspectives Aim and Scope: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy provides an annual international forum for phenomenological research in the spirit of Husserl's groundbreaking work and the extension of this work by such figures as Scheler, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty and Gadamer. Contributors: Esteban Marín Ávila, Thiemo Breyer, Jakub Čapek, Mariano Crespo, Roberta De Monticelli, John J. Drummond, Søren Engelsen, Maria Gyemant, Mirja Hartimo, Elisa Magrì, Ronny Miron, Anthony J. (...)
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    Sandor Goodhart, Ronald Bogue, Denis B. Walker, Timothy Clark, C. S. Schreiner, Robert Tobin, John Kleiner, David Carey, Chris Parkin, John Anzalone, Richard K. Emmerson, Janet Lungstrum, Alex Fischler, Hugh Bredin, Victor A. Kramer, Steven Rendall, Gerald Prince, John D. Lyons, David Hayman, Roberta Davidson, Dan Latimer, Joseph J. Maier, Kenneth Marc Harris, Lynne Vieth, Joanne Cutting-Gray, Michael L. Hall, Mark P. Drost, John J. Stuhr, Charles Affron, Celia E. Weller, Jerome Schwartz, Mary B. McKinley, Patrick Henry. [REVIEW]Robert C. Solomon - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (1):174.
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  13. Brandy, mravenci a mikroskop: experimentální věda Roberta Hooka.Monika Bečvářová - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (4):361-396.
    Tato studie pojednává o rané fázi mikroskopického zkoumání přírody, které ve svém díle Micrographia představil Robert Hooke. Vzhledem k obsáhlosti díla se zaměřuje na pasáže, které Hooke věnoval výzkumu hmyzu. Předmětem analýzy je především metodologie Hookova výzkumu: způsob, jakým tento experimentátor využíval mikroskop ke zkoumání mravenců, much, komárů a jiného hmyzu. Dále je pozornost věnována způsobu, jakým Hooke představoval výsledky svého pozorování, tedy popisům a ilustracím hmyzu. A konečně, příspěvek se také pokouší vyložit vybrané záznamy mikroskopických pozorování v Micrographii a (...)
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    The Limits of Liminality: Where do Trans People Fit in to Pope Francis's Church?Nicolete Burbach - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (3):274-291.
    This paper explores a tension between Francis's openness to ‘liminality’ and certain papal statements condemning transness that reproduce the ways in which people are marginalised as trans. It seeks to make sense of these tensions, reading them back through Francis's theology of history, and suggesting a place for trans people to locate ourselves within the Church in spite of them. It argues that Francis's failings around transness can be viewed as ‘limitations’ to be overcome in a redemptive movement. It then (...)
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    Eques romanus ex inquisitione : à propos d'une inscription de Prousias de l'Hypios.Claude Nicolet - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (2):411-422.
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    Littré et la République.Claude Nicolet - 1982 - Revue de Synthèse 103 (106-108):463-496.
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  17. Langage et raison.Daniel Nicolet - 1989 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 39 (4):353.
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    Le monnayage d'argent d'Égine et le trésor de Hollm (Albanie) 1991.Hélène Nicolet-Pierre & Shpresa Gjongecaj - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (1):283-338.
    The chance discovery in 1991 close to the fortress of Hollm (SE Albania) of a coin hoard consisting almost exclusively of silver Aiginetic staters, contained in a bronze oinochoe of Rhodian type, pro vides an opportunity to examine our present state of knowledge about the issues of Aiginetic "tortoises" struck between ca 520 and ca 300 B. C. The 394 staters in the hoard attest for the first time the penetration of Aiginetic coinage in Illyria. To judge from its composition (...)
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  19.  26
    Le monumentum Ephesenum et les dîmes d'Asie.Claude Nicolet - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):465-480.
    Les lignes 72-74 de la lex portorii Asiae découverte à Éphèse mentionnent, d'après les éditeurs H. Engelmann et D. Knibbe, les dîmes et la scriptura (impôt sur les pâturages), les premières pour en régler la perception, la seconde pour dispenser de droits de douane les troupeaux en transhumance d'été. Il s'agit en fait de fausses lectures : à la 1. 74, il faut lire (au lieu de μετακομιδηι τη ήλιαρίφ) : ή 8ι' αυτό. D'autre part il n'y a pas deux (...)
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    ‘Everything about Us, for Us’: Avoiding ‘Perlocutionary Dominion’ in Catholic Writing about Trans People.Nicolete Burbach - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):301-317.
    This paper anticipates a peril involved in Catholic writing on trans issues, which I call perlocutionary dominion: the empowerment of cisgender voices, and disempowerment of transgender voices within our theological communities through perlocutionary acts. It finds an example of this peril in Helen Watt's paper, ‘Gender Transition: The Moral Meaning of Bodily and Social Presentation’, focusing specifically on the use of negative themes; as well as the less obvious, positive-affective feature of gestures of care. It then looks to Pope Francis's (...)
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    Die Wahrheit.Samuel Widmer Nicolet - 2010 - Carouge, Genève: Heuwinkel.
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  22. Robert Boyle, eksperimentalni filozof.Jernej Meden - 2024 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (3).
    Avtor predstavi Roberta Boyla kot eksperimentalnega filozofa in njegov doprinos pri vzpostavljanju vloge eksperimentalne filozofije v novoveški znanstveni skupnosti. Kot filozof narave je Boyle združeval tri novoveške identitete: učenjaka oziroma filozofa, kristjana in gentlemana. Boylov program naravne filozofije je mogoče strniti v dve programski točki. Prvič, razložiti naravo s sklicevanjem na njene osnovne gradnike, tj. drobna telesca oziroma corpuscules. Drugič, Boyle nadaljuje mehanicistične razlage narave, ki naravne pojave pojasnjujejo izhajajoč iz delovanja strojev, ki so človeški izdelek. Področje, na katerem (...)
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    Eqvester ordo tvvs est: Did Cicero win his cases because of his support for the Eqvites?Cf M. I. Henderson, C. Nicolet, J. Linderski, T. P. Wiseman & E. Badian - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53:222-234.
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    Tradição e Inovação n’ O Nascimento da Tragédia de Nietzsche.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):411-426.
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  25. Reinventar la ciudadanía en la era de la globalización: Esbozo de un programa de investigación.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2001 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 17:77-100.
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    Walden": The "Art of living.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 40 (40):41-44.
  27. Normatívnosť tvrdenia.Ladislav Koreň - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (1):25-52.
    Cieľom štúdie je vysvetliť motiváciu a podstatu filozofických koncepcií, podľa ktorých je tvrdenie normatívny fenomén. Začnem tým, že zmapujem kľúčové myšlienky k problematike tvrdenia, a lokalizujem typické normatívne prístupy. Potom rozoberiem, čo vlastne znamená povedať, že tvrdenie je normatívnym fenoménom špecifického druhu, a predložím špekulatívno-hypotetickú rekonštrukciu genézy tvrdiacej jazykovej hry - presnejšie, jej protoformy - ktorá by mala vyzdvihnúť jej charakteristické sociálno-normatívne aspekty. Na tomto základe postavím kritické porovnanie dvoch reprezentatívnych normatívnych prístupov k tvrdeniu: pragmatického inferencializmu Roberta Brandoma a (...)
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    „Nature’s Bastards“ z Royal Society: Obhajoba přírodní filosofie v díle Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673).Monika Bečvárová - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):42.
    V této studii se pokouším předložit postoj Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673) ke zkoumání přírody ve druhé polovině 17. století. Pro tento účel jsem analyzovala především dílo Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), které představuje nejucelenější filosofický výklad přírody této autorky. Prostřednictvím něho postihuji ontologické i epistemologické námitky Cavendishové k charakteru zkoumání přírody členy nově založeného vědeckého společenství – Royal Society. Z tohoto důvodu se zaměřuji rovněž na dílo Micrographia (1665) Roberta Hooka, který pro autorku tuto společnost reprezentuje. Cílem studie není rehabilitovat (...)
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    A Herança de Karol Wojtyla.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (1):307 - 308.
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    Kant: O Federalismo visto da História.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (2):415 - 439.
    A teoria kantiana do federalismo foi objecto de várias tentativas recentes de revisão e actualização. No entanto, a perspectiva em que tal empreendimento foi levado a cabo, acusa uma deficiente concepção das articulações do federalismo, não apenas no interior da pensamento jurídico-político do mestre de Königsberg, mas na sua plena inserção no sistema crítico kantiano no seu conjunto. Neste artigo, o autor visa demonstrar que, longe de ser um obstáculo, ou uma espécie de resíduo metafísico, a filosofia kantiana da história (...)
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  31. Roberta Dreon (Università degli Studi di Venezia) Merleau-Ponty. una concezione non soggettocentrica dell’empatia?Roberta Dreon - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:439-449.
    Merleau-Ponty. Une conception de l’empathie non centrée sur le sujet?Cet article étudie l’émergence du terme « empathie » dans les textes de Merleau-Ponty. Il souligne que le concept n’est pas avant tout présenté comme une catégorie épistémologique, remettant en question si et comment nous pouvons éventuellement connaître les autres. Au contraire, il est conçu comme une catégorie ontologique, pour dire notre appartenance à une nature commune. De ce point de vue, il propose une façon sensible pour comprendre les autres, basée (...)
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  32. Lynn Hershman and the creation of multiple Robertas.Roberta Mock - 2012 - In Susan Broadhurst & Josephine Machon, Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Human landscapes: contributions to a pragmatist anthropology.Roberta Dreon - 2022 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The first work to offer a comprehensive pragmatist anthropology focusing on sensibility, habits, and human experience as contingently yet irreversibly enlanguaged.
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  34. Natural selection as a population-level causal process.Roberta L. Millstein - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (4):627-653.
    Recent discussions in the philosophy of biology have brought into question some fundamental assumptions regarding evolutionary processes, natural selection in particular. Some authors argue that natural selection is nothing but a population-level, statistical consequence of lower-level events (Matthen and Ariew [2002]; Walsh et al. [2002]). On this view, natural selection itself does not involve forces. Other authors reject this purely statistical, population-level account for an individual-level, causal account of natural selection (Bouchard and Rosenberg [2004]). I argue that each of these (...)
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  35. Are random drift and natural selection conceptually distinct?Roberta L. Millstein - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (1):33-53.
    The latter half of the twentieth century has been marked by debates in evolutionary biology over the relative significance of natural selection and random drift: the so-called “neutralist/selectionist” debates. Yet John Beatty has argued that it is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the concept of random drift from the concept of natural selection, a claim that has been accepted by many philosophers of biology. If this claim is correct, then the neutralist/selectionist debates seem at best futile, and at worst, (...)
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    The Law as a System of Signs.Roberta Kevelson - 2011 - Springer.
    Even if Peirce were well understood and there existed· general agreement among Peirce scholars on what he meant by his semiotics, or philosophy of signs, the undertaking of this book-wliich intends to establish a theoretical foundation for a new approach to understanding the interrelations of law, economics, and politics against referent systems of value-would be a risky venture. But since such general agreement on Peirce's work is lacking, one's sense of adventure in ideas requires further qualification. Indeed, the proverbial nerve (...)
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  37. Populations as individuals.Roberta L. Millstein - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):267-273.
    Biologists studying ecology and evolution use the term “population” in many different ways. Yet little philosophical analysis of the concept has been done, either by biologists or philosophers, in contrast to the voluminous literature on the concept of “species.” This is in spite of the fact that “population” is arguably a far more central concept in ecological and evolutionary studies than “species” is. The fact that such a central concept has been employed in so many different ways is potentially problematic (...)
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    An Integrative Approach to Understanding Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Stressors, Negative Emotions, and Moral Disengagement.Roberta Fida, Marinella Paciello, Carlo Tramontano, Reid Griffith Fontaine, Claudio Barbaranelli & Maria Luisa Farnese - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):131-144.
    Several scholars have highlighted the importance of examining moral disengagement in understanding aggression and deviant conduct across different contexts. The present study investigates the role of MD as a specific social-cognitive construct that, in the organizational context, may intervene in the process leading from stressors to counterproductive work behavior. Assuming the theoretical framework of the stressor-emotion model of CWB, we hypothesized that MD mediates, at least partially, the relation between negative emotions in reaction to perceived stressors and CWB by promoting (...)
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    Book review: Roberta Piazza, Louann Haarman and Anne Carbon (eds), Values and Choices in Television Discourse: A View from Both Sides of the Screen. [REVIEW]Roberta Facchinetti - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (4):433-436.
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    Data-owning democracy: Citizen empowerment through data ownership.Roberta Fischli - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):204-223.
    This article extends property-owning democracy to the digital realm and introduces “data-owning democracy,” a new political economic regime characterized by the wide distribution of data as capital among citizens. Drawing on republican theory and acknowledging data's unique role in the digital economy, it proposes a two-tier model that combines different modes of data ownership and corresponding rights. The first layer of “data-owning democracy” is characterized by a digital public infrastructure that enables citizens to collectively generate data and have a say (...)
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  41. The Concepts of Population and Metapopulation in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology.Roberta L. Millstein - 2010 - In M. A. Bell, D. J. Futuyma, W. F. Eanes & J. S. Levinton, Evolution Since Darwin: The First 150 Years. Sinauer.
    This paper aims to illustrate one of the primary goals of the philosophy of biology⎯namely, the examination of central concepts in biological theory and practice⎯through an analysis of the concepts of population and metapopulation in evolutionary biology and ecology. I will first provide a brief background for my analysis, followed by a characterization of my proposed concepts: the causal interactionist concepts of population and metapopulation. I will then illustrate how the concepts apply to six cases that differ in their population (...)
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    Understanding the Interplay Among Regulatory Self-Efficacy, Moral Disengagement, and Academic Cheating Behaviour During Vocational Education: A Three-Wave Study.Roberta Fida, Carlo Tramontano, Marinella Paciello, Valerio Ghezzi & Claudio Barbaranelli - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):725-740.
    The literature has suggested that to understand the diffusion of unethical conduct in the workplace, it is important to investigate the underlying processes sustaining engagement in misbehaviour and to study what occurs during vocational education. Drawing on social-cognitive theory, in this study, we longitudinally examined the role of two opposite dimensions of the self-regulatory moral system, regulatory self-efficacy and moral disengagement, in influencing academic cheating behaviour. In addition, in line with the theories highlighting the bidirectional relationship between cognitive processes and (...)
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    Framing cognition: Dewey’s potential contributions to some enactivist issues.Roberta Dreon - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):485-506.
    It is well known that John Dewey was very far from embracing the traditional idea of cognition as something happening inside one’s own mind and consisting in a pictorial representation of the alleged purely external reality out there. His position was largely convergent with enactivist accounts of cognition as something based in life and consisting in human actions within a natural environment. The paper considers Dewey’s conception of cognition by focusing on its potential contributions to the current debate with enactivism. (...)
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    Charles S. Peirce's Method of Methods.Roberta Kevelson - 1987 - John Benjamins Publishing.
    In all disciplines there are specifiable basic concepts, our universes of discourse, which define special areas of inquiry. Semiotics is that 'science of sciences' which inquires into all processes of inquiry, and which seeks to discover methods of inquiry. Peirce held that semiotics was to be the method of methods. An account of semiotic method should distinguish between the way the term 'sign' is used in semiotics and the various ways this term was meant in nearly all the traditional disciplines. (...)
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  45. Thinking about populations and races in time.Roberta L. Millstein - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52:5-11.
    Biologists and philosophers have offered differing concepts of biological race. That is, they have offered different candidates for what a biological correlate of race might be; for example, races might be subspecies, clades, lineages, ecotypes, or genetic clusters. One thing that is striking about each of these proposals is that they all depend on a concept of population. Indeed, some authors have explicitly characterized races in terms of populations. However, including the concept of population into concepts of race raises three (...)
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  46. Distinguishing Drift and Selection Empirically: "The Great Snail Debate" of the 1950s.Roberta L. Millstein - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):339-367.
    Biologists and philosophers have been extremely pessimistic about the possibility of demonstrating random drift in nature, particularly when it comes to distinguishing random drift from natural selection. However, examination of a historical case-Maxime Lamotte's study of natural populations of the land snail, Cepaea nemoralis in the 1950s - shows that while some pessimism is warranted, it has been overstated. Indeed, by describing a unique signature for drift and showing that this signature obtained in the populations under study, Lamotte was able (...)
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  47. Interpretations of probability in evolutionary theory.Roberta L. Millstein - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1317-1328.
    Evolutionary theory (ET) is teeming with probabilities. Probabilities exist at all levels: the level of mutation, the level of microevolution, and the level of macroevolution. This uncontroversial claim raises a number of contentious issues. For example, is the evolutionary process (as opposed to the theory) indeterministic, or is it deterministic? Philosophers of biology have taken different sides on this issue. Millstein (1997) has argued that we are not currently able answer this question, and that even scientific realists ought to remain (...)
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  48. Chance and macroevolution.Roberta L. Millstein - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (4):603-624.
    When philosophers of physics explore the nature of chance, they usually look to quantum mechanics. When philosophers of biology explore the nature of chance, they usually look to microevolutionary phenomena, such as mutation or random drift. What has been largely overlooked is the role of chance in macroevolution. The stochastic models of paleobiology employ conceptions of chance that are similar to those at the microevolutionary level, yet different from the conceptions of chance often associated with quantum mechanics and Laplacean determinism.
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  49. Probability in Biology: The Case of Fitness.Roberta L. Millstein - 2016 - In Alan Hájek & Christopher Hitchcock, The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 601-622.
    I argue that the propensity interpretation of fitness, properly understood, not only solves the explanatory circularity problem and the mismatch problem, but can also withstand the Pandora’s box full of problems that have been thrown at it. Fitness is the propensity (i.e., probabilistic ability, based on heritable physical traits) for organisms or types of organisms to survive and reproduce in particular environments and in particular populations for a specified number of generations; if greater than one generation, “reproduction” includes descendants of (...)
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  50. Is Aldo Leopold's 'Land Community' an Individual?Roberta L. Millstein - 2018 - In O. Bueno, R. Chen & M. B. Fagan, Individuation across Experimental and Theoretical Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 279-302.
    The “land community” (or “biotic community”) that features centrally in Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic has typically been equated with the concept of “ecosystem.” Moreover, some have challenged this central Leopoldean concept given the multitude of meanings of the term “ecosystem” and the changes the term has undergone since Leopold’s time (see, e.g., Shrader-Frechette 1996). Even one of Leopold’s primary defenders, J. Baird Callicott, asserts that there are difficulties in identifying the boundaries of ecosystems and suggests that we recognize that their (...)
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